New York Islanders Blogs: The Top Bloggers

Dragoneye's picture

Greetings bloggers,

This is an open letter to New York Islander Bloggers and hopefully some insight into what is happening in the NY Islanders blogging world.  I've created a page with many NYI bloggers listed.  My apologies if you have an Islanders blog and I didn't list it.  Please leave a comment on the page and I will be happy to add it.  Also, please bear in mind that this was done for fun and is not a critical evaluation of how good your site is.

I was curious how the blogs relate to each other, or more specifically rank against one another according to different ranking systems so I did some checks using Firefox and the SEO Quake Addon. 

Just by checking out this data I get the feeling Islanders blogging has no clear runaway leader outside of Greg Logan, who is a reporter, gets paid to write and has access to priveleged scoops bloggers can only dream of.  His blog also has the benefit of being on Newsday's website and getting some powerful links from them to build his site up in the search rankings. 

I am of the opinion that many bloggers don't know how to optimize their blogs for the Search engines.  This makes sense as blogging for most is a hobby.  If you are serious though and hope for more traffic to your blog, you need to pay attention to this.  There are several important steps in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and if anyone is interested I can post more about this later.  I specialize in the WordPress blogging CMS and Drupal. 

The key to good blogging is about the content.  You'll hear this repeatedly while searching for ways to improve your site.  Also, writing with a strong voice will help readers identify with you (or hate you, but as long as they are reading it must be interesting to them and can provide some good debate).  Search for your niche within the Isles blogging niche and run with it.  Also, since we are all fans, this shouldn't always be a competition about whose site is the best or who is the better writer.  In fact, after you read this article, you might have a better idea why it is important to help each other (by this I mean linking your site to the other blogs in the Islanders blogosphere, including this one ).

First, I checked the what Google shows as the amount of backlinks to the sites.  Backlinks are a very important factor in where your blog ranks in the search engines.  The more backlinks you have, especially from high powered sites, the better your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) positioning will be.  A backlink is like a pat on the back for your site. Google is the most popular search engine in the world and having good SERP position can drive massive amounts of traffic to your site. 

I'd like to note that the amount of backlinks Google shows is quite low compared to reality.  They believe it will prevent competitors from finding your sites backlinks providers and therefor preventing the competitors from trying to get the same backlinks as you, and possibly catching you (and maybe even passing you) in the SERP's.  So, here are the Islanders blogs I have listed in order based on the most backlinks according to Google:


Title Google Incoming Links
Greg Logan’s Blog 799
Islanders Army 411
The View From Section 317 :: A New York Islanders Blog 349
Isles Media Blog 282
Drive for Five 277 214
Tiger Track 178
The Tiger Track 178
 NYI Point Blank 161 154
Ravings of an Islander's Blogger 153
Islander Outsider 151
NYI Voices 143
Greetings from Islander Country 135
NY Islanders 7th Woman 130
Long Distance Islander 130
Islanders Frontier 129
Islander Fan Central 117
Hockey Analysis 115
Islander 360 110
Fantasy Fancy 109
Voice of the Islander fans 102
Still Drivin’ 90
NYI Castaway 79
Hockey Night on Long Island 65
New York Islanders For Life! 63
Florida Isles Fan 30
Exit M4 n/a
On the NY Isles Scene n/a

  The next thing I addeed was the amount of backlinks to a complete domain according to Yahoo, the second largest search engine in the world:

Title Yahoo Incoming Links
The View From Section 317 :: A New York Islanders Blog 8625
Drive for Five 6984
Isles Media Blog 6292
 NYI Point Blank 5359
NYI Voices 4040 3746
Long Distance Islander 3514
Ravings of an Islander's Blogger 3514
Islander 360 2578
Islander Outsider 2532
Tiger Track 2432
The Tiger Track 2432
Greetings from Islander Country 2401 2371
Islanders Army 1900
Islander Fan Central 1537
Voice of the Islander fans 1195
Islanders Frontier 1182
Still Drivin’ 1165
Fantasy Fancy 1112
NY Islanders 7th Woman 932
Florida Isles Fan 658
On the NY Isles Scene 630
New York Islanders For Life! 615
Hockey Analysis 495
NYI Castaway 397
Greg Logan’s Blog 354
Hockey Night on Long Island 89
Exit M4 5

The next data I accumulated was the Google Page Rank (Google PR) for each of these sites.  Google page rank is the numeric value of how important a page is in the Google SERP ranking system.  It isn't the only factor so having a high PR value for your website or individual pages won't necesarily bring you to the top of the group, but it is a good indication of the accumulated PR strength of the sites that link to your site and does play a role in your SERP's.  

Like I mentioned before, a link to your site is like a pat on the back from another site and helps build Google's confidence that your site has relevant posts.  Now, 10 links from low PR sites won't be as valuable as 1 or 2 links from say a PR 6 site.  Not all links going to your site are counted, but as long as you aren't trying to game their system you should be fine. 

Here are the page rankings as of September 1st, 2008 for these NYI blogs: 

Title Google Page Rank
Greg Logan’s Blog 5
Isles Media Blog 4 4
 NYI Point Blank 4 4
Islander Outsider 4
Greetings from Islander Country 4
Islanders Army 3
Tiger Track 3
The Tiger Track 3
Ravings of an Islander's Blogger 3
Long Distance Islander 3
NY Islanders 7th Woman 3
Islanders Frontier 3
Islander Fan Central 3
Islander 360 3
Fantasy Fancy 3
Voice of the Islander fans 3
Still Drivin’ 3
NYI Castaway 3
Hockey Night on Long Island 3
The View From Section 317 :: A New York Islanders Blog 2
Drive for Five 2
NYI Voices 2
Florida Isles Fan 2
New York Islanders For Life! 1
Hockey Analysis 0
On the NY Isles Scene 0
Exit M4 0


The last ranking system that I checked is the Alexa ranking system. This is not a very trustworthy ranking system but in my opinion the higher the ranking (like within the top 100,000 websites) the more credible a website is. You can game this a bit just by using the adding the Alexa toolbar to your web browser. If you blog often this alone should bring your site within the top 500,000 sites listed there just by going there yourself! Alexa provides two rankings. One is the one week average and the other is a three month average for your site. I have used the 3 month ranking. Also keep in mind the summer is slow in hockey land so I assume all of these numbers will begin increasing after the season begins. As a note, blogs that are on some multisite platforms weren't added because their ranking was for the entire site. Alexa rankings for New Yok Islander blogs:


Title Alexa Ranking 503729
 NYI Point Blank 839826
NY Islanders 7th Woman
Islanders Army
Voice of the Islander fans
Isles Media Blog
Islander Outsider
Tiger Track
The Tiger Track
Drive for Five
Hockey Night on Long Island
Islander Fan Central
The View From Section 317 :: A New York Islanders Blog
Still Drivin’
NYI Voices
Islander 360
Greetings from Islander Country
NYI Castaway
New York Islanders For Life!
Exit M4
Florida Isles Fan
Fantasy Fancy
On the NY Isles Scene
Ravings of an Islander's Blogger n/a
Long Distance Islander n/a
Islanders Frontier n/a
Hockey Analysis n/a
Greg Logan’s Blog n/a


Dragoneye's picture

Plugins like these will help

Plugins like these will help WorPress SEO fairly easily:

All in One SEO Pack

Break Out Of Frames

This is to make all people that find your site through google images land on your site, not in a frame by Google (or another site really)

Google XML Sitemaps

You need a sitemap!!

Permalink Redirect

In case you change the url of a post oir page. Very necesary!

Related Posts

to show more options available form your site.

Robots Meta

An important plugin to that helps with Google Page rank.

Subscribe To Comments

Keep the conversations going with this one.

Wordpress Duplicate Content Cure

Protect against duplicate content.

Islesblogger's picture

Very good information for

Very good information for those who may not know a lot about SEO.

There are a bunch of great plugins for Wordpress, not really sure how the other blog engines work though.