Avery: Too Much, Too Little, Too Late 12-3-08

7th Woman's picture

I'm sitting on the couch, about to weigh in on Sean Avery, just as everyone else has, when I found this apology on the NHL website. As I read it, I could only think it was written by his agent, or his lawyer. Because it certainly doesn't sound like anything that would spill from Sean Avery's lips.

Here it is:

"I would like to sincerely apologize for my off-color remarks to the press yesterday from Calgary," Avery said in a statement obtained by SportingNews.com.
"I should not have made those comments and I recognize that they were inappropriate. It was a bad attempt to build excitement for the game, but I am now acutely aware of how hurtful my actions were. I caused unnecessary embarrassment to my peers as well as people I have been close with in the past.
"I apologize for offending the great fans of the NHL, the commissioner, my teammates, my coaching staff and the
Dallas Stars management and ownership. As many of you know, I like to mix it up on and off the ice from time to time, but understand that this time I took it too far."

Okay, so here's the thing. As a woman, I am beyond offended. As a hockey fan, I am disgusted. As a mother, I am disappointed. As someone on the fringe of the "new" media, I'm laughing

Some may call Avery a master at self promotion. I call him a complete idiot. Certainly trash talking is part of the game.... ON THE ICE SEAN. Once you trash talk to the camera and it ends up across the hockey globe in a matter of nanoseconds, don't expect that a pre-printed, well written apology will get you off the hook.

This is the way he talks about his ex-girlfriends to the media? The women he was happy as a clam to parade around the paparazzi and get his photo in the celeb magazines with? The women that took him to parties he would have never been invited into?

Mr. Avery is in for a rude awakening. Not only is the league disgusted with his antics, but I can only imagine that there won't be too many young starlets willing to sleep with this trash-talking declining NHLer. What woman self-respecting woman would want to?

Do you think your mother is proud of you Sean? Because you now apologized for your serious lack of judgement? I doubt it. Face it. Mr. Avery has no respect for any thing or any one. He doesn't deserve to be in the NHL.

This "apology" is certainly an attempt to stem the tide of both the league and the Dallas Stars desire to distance themselves from Sean and his big mouth. A mouth big enough for him to have put his foot in it. He claims he only wanted to stir interest up for the game. He uses that excuse too often. We are done with you Mr. Avery. Or at least... I am.

Hope you like Borscht. The KHL may be the only league that will welcome you!