Because everyone loves the Slap Shot boys

7th Woman's picture

As I wrote about over the summer when I did my interview with Steve Carlson of Slap Shot fame, Slap Shot 3 will be hitting your local retailer in the next few weeks. Just in time for Christmas shopping. Here is the link to the trailer for Slap Shot 3.

You have to admit, all these years later, the boys don't look too bad. But to add insult to injury (for the Hanson boys of course) I figured I'd just post the now infamous (at the fire house that is) photo of the "Chiefs" of the SFD from Halloween. The boys took first place and probably made Slap Shot a few new fans while they were there.
While at the game on Tuesday, Greg Logan and I were walking toward the tunnel when he noticed a man in a Chiefs jersey. He turned to me and said "Anyone you know?" and smiled. Yep, after I did the story I keep looking to see who comes to the Coliseum in their Chiefs jersey. I know some of our own NYIC members have them too. They certainly are a classic.
And even though it's the size of a tent, I'll probably show up one day in Danno's. It's just that cool and some cult classics just never lose their allure. Hell, I think I'm even being dragged to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror on Saturday. See what I mean?