Dragoneye's blog

Draft Day Tidbits

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Some tidbits from the 2010 NHL entry draft party at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum:
  • There were definitely less fans at the event than last year, but with no clear cut superstar to choose it is understandable.
  • There was a clear lack of excitement from the crowd when Nino Niederreiter was chosen at #5 by the Islanders. My hunch is that most people were expecting a sexier name, one of Brett Connoly, Cam Fowler, or Brandon Gormly.
  • John Tavares, Matt Moulson, and Trevor Gillies were there towing the line for the Isles.
  • JT had a walking cast on his right foot, a product of his 2010 IIHF World Championships. He actually played the last 3 games of the tournament through the pain.
  • JT was interviewed and asked the normal questions about how he feels about Nino Niederreiter and next season.
  • I asked the last question of the interview about his weight.

Blogging the Stache

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As part of my effort to bring fresh content about the New York Islanders, I had the opportunity to ask Trevor Gillies a couple of questions at the draft party. I really stumbled through the first question, but Trevor managed to decipher my point and give me a good solid response. I had heard that fighters will try to have a go at other fighters to establish themselves in the game.

I basically asked him if there was anyone in the league that he would like to get a crack at.

His response:

NYI 2010 Entry Draft Interviews Video

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It was an honor to have the opportunity to make a video with so many fans, as well as several ice girls, Dina the Islanders arena hostess, and C.J. Papa. The beginning of the video has fans saying who they hoped the team would draft this year, then the actual draft, and after the response to the selection of Nino Niederreiter with the 5th overall pick.

With so many possibilities, I knew whoever was going to be picked wasn't going to have a unanimous response like John Tavares last year, but I swear I heard some crickets between the blasting of the fog horn. The fans in attendance were louder and more excited when Garth Snow acknowledged them before making the pick. Have a look for yourself.

NYI Draft Party/Blog Box Application

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How are the Islanders going to pick this year? It's been a tough wait. This year's pick is even more important because the team still has big needs on offense and defense, and if they can select a player that can step in and make a difference this year they will be in much better shape to make the playoffs. Call me captain obvious there.

In a poll a while back, I asked everyone whop they wanted to see drafted between Cam Fowler, Erik Gudbranson, Brett Connolly, or Nino Niederreiter. Most visitors chose Gubrandson, with Connolly coming in a close second. I'm glad I'm not making the choice this year. There are too many reasonable choices. I'm crossing my fingers that sanity prevails and the team doesn't end up regressing next season.

The direction of the team

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I have to admit I am a bit shocked. Not that I finished the bottle of wine with dinner tonight, but that the Islanders fans believe in the direction of the team and the coach. Are the fans that voted on the most recent two polls here on the Kool Aid parade or what? Let's look a bit further into this.

Who do the fans want to pick in the 2010 draft?

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In the latest poll here, Erik Gubrandson is narrowly edging out Brett Connolly for the title of "player that Islanders' fans wish to draft". In what looks like a 3 horse race, Cam Fowler brings up the rear of the pack in the poll.

I think most fans want to top line defenseman get picked as they've taken more offensive picks in recent years but realistically, the team needs help everywhere so I'll be happy if they just choose a solid player that can crack the top 6 on O or top 4 on D.

I'm fairly certain Taylor Hall and Tyler Seguin will be long gone by pick number 5. They weren't even put in as choices in our poll. If the the Isle's believe Connolly is healthy enough they may just go that direction. No matter how you score it as of today, the draft will be another exciting one and the team should nab another solid addition to the rebuild. Any thoughts? Anyone you'd like to see drafted that isn't on the short list?

Olympic Break Review

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[URL=https://yesislanders.com/olympic-break-review]Yes! Islanders[/URL]

The 2009 - 2010 Islanders are ________ (fill in the blank).  You could fill the blank with a myriad of adjectives or gerunds and be correct

For better or for worse, the team is terrible, improving, and young.  You may feel they are doomed.  I feel like the team is turning a corner and will compete as soon as next year.  Most veterans haven't shown much and the young guys are what they are...  Young.  The team is due for a shakeup this summer.  I don't expect anything monumental.  Just trading jelly for jam if you will while the “core” kids get stronger and more mature.   

Topsy Turvy Season

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Wow just as soon as I begin to make the pre season analysis the Islanders go on a serious winning streak, shutting out teams and opening many eyes.  I was writing how Kyle Okposo, and Josh Bailey were having mediocre seasons.  During the tear any fan would have chewed my head of for saying that.

Immediately following a nice winning streak came the losing streak. This streak may be the defining streak of the season because it left the Islanders with the 4th worst record in the league and more questions than answers with their roster.  The shakeups have begun (waiving Thompson, Witt). 

I wasn't painting a favorable picture of the team, and unfortunately it is clear the team is still rebuilding and that, although it would be great to finish the season strong, the playoffs are still a long distance away. Let's hope the Olympic break is kind to the team and heals them well.

Mid Season Report - Almost

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So much going on this season.  I'll be doing a player by player quick analysis and write some notes for each.  Get ready for an honest attempt at balanced analysis with being a fan. 

Growing Up With The Isles

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This is a site administrative post.  I wanted to let Growing Up With The Isles that I couldn't fix the problem with the RSS feed and I canceled the account because of all of the other sports content that was infiltrating the site.  Please remember everyone that this is a 100% pure hockey and NY Islanders site. 

9 games in 16 days.... The season hangs in the balance.

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Instead of starting the year in Western Canada, it seems the schedule makers forgot there was a team on Long Island for a while and have decided to make up for it by scheduling the Islanders for 9 games in 16 days (5h, 4a).

As unrealistic as some may feel, if you are like me and do your best to hold out some optimism, you still belive the playoffs are an option for this team.  I really think the record at the end of this stretch will define this seasons' teams season as well as some of the players. 

There are several players on the cusp of even having a job in the NHL.  Jeff Tambellini, Jon Sim, Schremp, Thompson, Comeau and you could argue several others. There is little doubt in my mind that this stretch could cost some players their jobs and possibly even careers (ahem, Tambellini). 

John Tavares First NHL Goal

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The video of John Tavares' first NHL goal. What a relief it must have been . He also got a second assist on the first goal of the game.

Islanders 2009-2010 preseason

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Please welcome your 2008 - 2009 - 2010 New York Islanders.  I could understand your confusion if you thought this was last years squad as there haven't been many changes in the personnel that landed the Islanders last place overall in the league and the first draft pick in the 2009 draft.  Some of the moves they did make in the off-season might make you scratch your head a bit too.

One move that came as a HUGE relief to the Islanders fan base was the drafting of teenage phenom John Tavares (JT).  Please watch my video of the draft party and experience that relief with about 10,000 fans who were at the Nassau Coliseum.  Isles GM Garth Snow kept his choice a secret down to the last minute and given the teams track record for making a splash, noone could have predicted what the team was going to do. 


John Tavares, the New York Islanders' and NHL's number one draft pick for 2009

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It was a thrill to be there and I can't wait for the season to start. Here is a clip of the time when John Tavares got announced as the New York Islanders number one draft pick for 2009 from the Nassau Veterans Memorial coliseum draft party.



A visit to the Town Of Hempstead

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I'm like many Isles fans on Long Island.  I'm getting fed up with the way the islanders situation is being presented in the media, mostly out of fear that it might be true and not just Newsday sensationalizing the issue as they are wont to do.   I have been following some forums as well as Greg Logan and Chris Botta's blogs regarding the Lighthouse project and just get more riled up.  So I did something about it.  I went to the Town of Hempstead public hearing to investigate more about what is happening with the team. 

I got there and filled out a form stating what I planned on doing there and went inside.  I was prepared to speak in front of a room of about 100 people and grill Kate Murray over why the Isles weren't making progress.  

New York Islanders vs Anaheim Ducks 2/21/2008 game highlights

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“Luck never gives; it only lends”. ~ Swedish Proverb

The New York Islanders were lent a lucky hand last night vs. the Anaheim Ducks. Very lucky by all accounts. They were out shot 40-14 and outplayed for the last two periods by an Anaheim team that seemed to be on cruise control. There were at least 4 posts hit solidly by the Ducks. That isn't where the Islanders were lucky however.

Address the Town of Hempstead (TOH)

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Something is brewing in NYI Country.  More to come.


Modell's Ticket Giveaway Night-mare vs Boston Bruins

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So, sometime during December I made my way to Modell's and bought over 50 dollars worth of hockey merchandise.  No problem, it made nice X mas presents.  In return Modell's returned me a coupon for 2 tickets to be redeemed at the Bruins Islanders game last night, January 15th. 

There were droves of fans there with free Modell's tickets all clamoring on the coldest night of the year to get their Islanders' tix.  I got on the line at 6:25 and had to wait until 6:55 to get my tix.  When I got closer I overheard what the delay was caused by.  The tickets came in 2's (meaning one voucher was for 2 tix) and people logically assumed they would be together. 

Is the NHL for or against us?

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Christmas is over.  The hangover from New Year's eve is gone.  Winter is keeping our toes cold and for those of us that never could get into basketball there is hockey to pacify the armchair athlete found in the depths of our souls.  This year it has admittedly been tough to be an Islanders fan.  We all knew that it would be tough though and being almost directly in the middle of it,  I'll say it stinks. 

I am usually one of the guys crying conspiracy theory with the league and the calls the Islanders don't get from the war room in Toronto.  Having ex-Ranger Kris King in a high profile role there also gets my goat a bit but that is a moot point now.  I had always thought they were out to get us but then, as sometimes happens to me, I decided to take the exact opposite point of view and try it on for size.  Could it be possible they are helping us? 

2008 NYI Blog Awards Winner!

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Thanks to all of the bloggers that participated and all of the users that voted.  Also, A big thanks to the Islanders for donating a set of tickets to the winner for any non-Ranger home game.  It's New Years eve, I just watched the countdown on TV and also have had my fair share of Sam Adams this evening so this report may drift a bit.

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