Book Shopping on Black Friday in my PJs

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I would normally be done Christmas shopping by now. My usual routine is being finished by Thanksgiving. This year, with everything that went on, I haven't even STARTED. Just call me Mrs. Grinch. I'm not good at this. But I had an idea that may work out for me, and maybe you too if you don't like bucking the crowds either.

How about some one-size-fits-all, never goes out of style, has no expiration date and can expand the recipient's horizons? Books. And considering that we have some very good authors in our midst, I think it's a wonderful idea.

Here are some ideas:

Necessary Heartbreak by NYIC's own Mike Sullivan. A great gift for women young and old on your list available at Barnes & Noble. It's received some RAVE reviews from many outlets including the NY TIMES! This is the first of a Trilogy that will really catch your attention.

The Smart One by my old High School buddy Ellen Meister. She has a wonderful sense of humor and you'll find lots of Long Island references in this and her other book, The Secret Confessions of the Applewood PTA.

Adam Canfield of the Slash & Adam Canfield Watch Your Back both children's books by my good friend Mike Winerip who also writes a parenting column for the NY Times. Check for those titles.

For your Hockey fan friends, there's always book Three Players Who Have Never Been in my Kitchen. A fact and figure book about all teams past and present and a little humor sprinkled in.

And lastly, there's a new book by funny guy , Why We Suck. It sounds fabulous!