Happy Birthday to --- Me. 11-10-08

7th Woman's picture
I would normally be waking up in North Conway NH on my Birthday. This is the first time in eleven years that I am not. Here I am taking a little time away from work for the one thing that may ease my soul a little. I'm here at Iceworks awaiting practice to start.

I should actually be at the Hamm Ice arena lacing up my own blades, but oh well. This is the year that's different. Let's hope it's the start of a good one.

Okay, before we get into the Islanders, let's talk about... me and what I remember from birthdays passed.

I remember seeing a shooting star last year as we were driving to our time share in Bartlett. I remember a few years ago when Vicki called me from here at Iceworks on my birthday, very upset. It seems that she tried desperately to get Jason Blake to say happy birthday to me in her phone. Some of the other players laughed at her and one said, "Are you kidding? HE wouldn't do that for his own WIFE."

But that's my friend, putting herself out there trying to make me happy.

I remember the year that Danno made his friend Billy run around ragged all over North Conway buying me gifts and flowers while he spent the whole day with me making me think he had completely forgotten about me. At dinner, I opened a gold ankle bracelet and a great card. I haven't taken that ankle bracelet off since.

And lastly, there's my birthday rose. Every year, my garden offers up it's own birthday present to me. Even though all the yellow tomatoes and Japanese eggplant are long gone, my rose bush continues to bloom until it finally offers up one perfect rose for November 10th.

It may be a wonderful year, and it may not be. The future is the gift we open daily and the one we need to be the most appreciative of.

Happy Birthday also to Mr. Chris Botta. Wishing you a spectacularly successful year ahead.

Okay... and they're on the ice. How do you like that? And I thought I was going to miss it. Nope. There is some sort of school group here in the stands with signs and huge smiles. This has to be making their day.

Don't anyone ask me line combos, I have no idea. But at least Sillinger is on the ice in that yellow jersey, skating pretty well. Although he was beet red a little while ago as he had been warming up before everyone else.

My personal opinion here, like anyone really cares, Gordon should skate them till they puke. Or at least for SIXTY FREAKIN' WHOLE MINUTES. I'm sorry.... did I say that out loud?

For some reason, I can't get the camera to NOT use the flash, so it's not getting anything of use. I have to learn how to use this blasted thing.

Hey! Look at all the familiar faces on the ice! Martinek, Sillinger, Bailey. But Goalie for life is no where to be found. He could have been sitting with the kids, that would have made their day even better.

I have to say, Guerin is just so happy. He looks like he really enjoys himself on the ice for practice.

Gordon is working them hard, but there's not as much ear piercing whistle blowing like Paul Maurice does... THANK GOD.

I managed to get the flash not to go off. I will post photos at lunch.

I do enjoy heading down to practice, even if I don't get to talk to anyone. It still makes me feel good.