Hockey Static - 9-8-08

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What an incredibly empty weekend on the hockey front. Good thing since I was busy with my usual September whirlwind family responsibilities. So much to do that I can't even get excited about the impending start of the 08-09 season... yet.

This morning I took some time to read the headlines from all the major sites to see if I missed anything. Um. Not much. There are a FEW hockey related tidbits that I did want to mention. I guess you could consider this "twitter."

Congrats Chris Chelios: So the man who Bill Jaffe called "a freak of nature" has signed up for yet another season of Hockey with the Red Wings. Good for him! The Hockey News has a great article on the time line of his career. Chelios: Setting the standard for excellence in aging.

Ron Wilson not high on Sundin: Ya think? It's like being held hostage. Totally not fair to the Leafs new coach. Good for him for speaking out. Shouldn't the league have a rule that says you need to make a decision no later than Labor day if you're playing or not?

NHL Live to Return to XM 204 on 9-15-08: Thank God. But I'd like to see an announcement on the site. But thanks to TravelChic for the information.

Belated Happy Birthday to Jason Blake: Wishing you a better year to obliterate the memory of this one.

Thanks to Mike S.: He didn't take the nickname on the NYIC board of "teknics" for nothing. Every time I have a "technical" question, he's the first one I go to. And thanks to his constant iPhone addiction, it doesn't take long for the proper answer. I owe you, and I didn't forget YOU didn't get Birthday cookies. I'll have to rectify that soon.

Single Ticket Event Sept. 13th: Single game tickets go on sale Saturday the 13th. Let's overtake the Ranger fans on the line this year people. It's our building, let's make sure it stays that way.

Are we there yet? Almost.