Isles Reading for Insomniacs

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Can't sleep? Too much coffee? Just got in from your Friday night and need some time to wind down? Here are some reading suggestions since personally -- I got nothing. Shall we go from the rediculous to the sublime? Yes. Here is an example of the rediculous: Eyes on Isles by Michael Willhoft and his idea of what John Tavares' personal journal would look like. Um. No. But it's a distraction. Here is Tony Stabile's End of Season review for Hockey This Week and the respect the team walked away with -- for a change. And here's the reason for that respect, all the work that Jack Capuano did these past few seasons. This is a great article by Travis Betts on Jack and developing a belief in his system. Then if you want to spend money, there is the Islanders jersey auction. Got $6,000 for a John Tavares jersey? I was out of it as soon as I noticed I couldn't find a Matt Martin jersey. What's that all about??