My Night with the Sound Tigers 4-17-09

7th Woman's picture
For an exceptionally detailed game blog about last night's Sound Tiger game, please check The Tiger Track. Greg Logan, who was also there last night (THANK GOD!) has a few quotes from players and Capuano in today's Newsday.

I, however, will go the route I know best; my night in the stands.

It was nice to be there with a group again. Who could have passed it up with the Group Loop tickets at only $15 each. (Obviously far too many of you, but I've already gone there!) This is the same group that has accompanied me to other hockey games these last few years and we always have a great time no matter what happens on the ice. It was the same last night.

The Sound Tigers entered the ice through their signature blow up tiger head and a rink full of smoke. The kids loved that, but the smoke didn't dissipate that quickly and the first period started in a fog.

There were so many names on the ice that we had see on the Islanders bench this season, but there were some that were probably new to this arena. During the first period, I don't know if the ice wasn't set or if they teams were just over zealous because so many of them were sprawled on it during the first period.

It actually looked like some of the concession prices were rolled back a little, more in line with the prices in Bridgeport. I actually got those Cinna-nuts, whose scent has driven me crazy for the entire season, for $4. (Wine was still $7, but I only had one.) The sad part was that they closed a good 40% of the concessions, so the lines in between periods were horrendous. It took me over 20 minutes just to get two cups of coffee (that was only tepid).

While on line though, I did get to speak to the woman who won the auction for Joel Rechlicz's jersey. I couldn't miss her -- she was wearing it along with a huge smile on that very sweet face. We chatted on line. She said she had seen Joel on the concourse and he was surprised and grateful she was wearing it. She said "Why WOULDN'T I wear it!"

I resisted the temptation to bargain with her for it considering I didn't have enough money in my wallet.

My mother-in-law, my side-kick Wendy and I did bump into the Sound Tigers who were relegated to the press box out on the concourse. You couldn't miss them. Mitch Fritz towered high above everyone else crowding the walkways as Rechlicz followed behind him. Of course I had to stop him to say hello and promptly dropped my phone, fumbling like the idiot I am. Wendy would have taken a photo of us, but once the enforcers stopped for a moment, they were surrounded by fans all looking to also say hello.

As nice as it is to see these guys dressed in suits, the majority of the fans truly want to see them on the ice. Seriously, at least ONE of them should have been on the bench Jack. Mike and IslesOfficial Doug were making the rounds and stopped by. None of us were in the Blog Box last night. It looks very sad when it's empty.

Arena Hostess Dina stopped by to chat because she had some extra time with Sound Tigers announcer Dave taking a good chunk of the in arena duties giving the game the same feel as if it were at Harbor Yard.

Dina was sporting yet another amazing pair of shoes that I will have to locate for myself. I know it's blurry, but you get the drift. Oh who am I kidding, you don't want to see her shoes. You want to see her. Okay, here.

She did look adorable in her Sound Tigers KIDS jersey. I'll say this, Dina shared my dismay at the sparse crowd when tickets were so reasonable just as she shares my love of the game.... and shoes.

Okay, now here's the funny part. As the game ended, I decided to try to head down for the post game interviews. I threw my keys at my friends and told them to wait for me at my car.

I was happy to see Greg Logan in the hallway and stood with him for a few minutes along with a group of well dressed Sound Tiger boys that were along for the ride.

It seems things run different in the AHL. The players are interviewed first and then the coach makes his comments to the press. I was given that warning, but it didn't register with me. I knew I couldn't stay long anyway since I was the chauffeur and my passengers were already outside waiting.

I went into the locker room when instructed. Much to my surprise (and dismay) the entire roster was sitting there in the stalls removing their equipment. I followed Greg since none of my Blog Box buddies were there. (They left early for their own hockey game.)

I was hoping that Tom Liodice would be there, but nope. So as 20 men in various stages of undress looked at me wondering who the hell I was, an odd wave of panic came over me. Even Jon Sim, who has seen me for two years, gave me a puzzled look as I hightailed it out of the locker room and back into the hallway.

I waited against the wall, hoping they would say that Jack Capuano would be speaking somewhere... anywhere! I grumbled at the floor, "Where's Tom? Where's Tom!"

I looked up and Jack was walking briskly through the hall with a rather disgusted look on his face. I turned off my recorder and put on my jacket. That one look said all I had to hear. The officiating was horrible, the game was disappointing, and the goal that almost was didn't sit well with anyone.

Tonight is an opportunity to even it up and start over again. The Sound Tigers would love to get passed this first round and move on. I would love to be a witness.

Thank you to my friends and family for coming with me last night.
Thank you to my husband for putting up with me this entire season and for actually attending a game with me. It is nice to have you around the Coliseum with me, even if we don't agree on what's happening on the ice. Please don't be angry that I'm going to extend my season one more night and go to the game tonight too.
Good Luck to Kyle Okposo. Don't you dare get hurt out there! You have a plane to Switzerland to catch on Sunday and an exhibition game on TUESDAY!
And lastly... Anyone have a clue what the heck THIS is?
55 SCREAM? Was that for Pascal Morency or a Jason Blake throwback? I'm confused!