7th Woman's blog

Because I Can - Jason Blake Goal Watch

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So yesterday's Valentine's Day Islanders/Flyers match-up didn't turn out the way we hoped. Actually, as I've been saying all along, the Islanders don't do well during day games. So I had no hope to begin with. I was hopeful only because many of my friends had made the trip and were there to cheer on the team.

NY I Charities & Auctions

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Okay guys, if you won your local super bow pool and have some extra money laying around, you may want to check out some of these auctions. Are ya feeling lucky, punk? Are ya?

Sticks out of the Hands Auction:
Join the Islanders for their 2nd Annual Sticks out of the Hands Auction. Fans will have the opportunity to bid on game used sticks of the current Islanders team during their February 28th game versus the Buffalo Sabres. The highest bidders will receive two tickets to attend the February 28th Islanders game as well as the opportunity to take the stick out of the hand of the Islander player they bid on as they get off the ice post game. This auction will run from Wednesday, January 28th and will end following the Islanders game on February 19th.

Not Quite Ice but still Nice! Skating in Sayville

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It was a beautiful morning. Crisp and clear with bright, warm sunlight. Perfect to be outside. Perfect to check out the Town Of Islip's traveling skating rink that is making a brief stay in beautiful, downtown Sayville.

When I arrived, I was worried that it may be just a trifle too warm for ice, but then I watched as Vinny was out on the rink with a stick and a puck and.... sneakers.

"Hey!!! What is this???" I thought to myself. I wandered closer with my camera to get a good luck.

The Gary Bettman Prophecy

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Good Morning, and Happy Valentine's Day to all!

So I'm sitting here with my morning paper and blueberry coffee cake and I see Steve Zipay from Newsday has a little blip at the bottom of his NHL entry that I'm sure will get a few fans going.

It seems that on Friday night, as Gary Bettman was explaining the NHL had no problem with Avery returning to the league (although I do.) he made the following statement regarding the Lighthouse.

Friday the 13th Unlucky for Hillen?

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So the bump on my head is still making me fuzzy. I decided to take a mental health day. Or actually "My head is up my ass I'm afraid I'm going to screw something up if I work day."

I have a list a mile long of what to do for this weekend as it is also my wedding anniversary. (And they said it wouldn't last! HA!!!) But for some strange reason, I just insisted on going to Iceworks this morning for practice. The car took me. I don't know why.

Weight & Hockey Across America Weekend!

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UGGGGHGHHH!!! Can the Isles catch a break? EVER? Doug Weight, who has been having a really good season, even with his last injury lapse, is now out for six weeks. Basically the rest of the regular season. And considering there isn't a snowball's chance in hell the Isles will sniff at the post season, then Dougie's season is OVER.

Someone hide the burbon, I can't imagine this man is happy.

Bothered, Burned and Be-Deviled - Zach Attack

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Anyone surprised the Devils beat the Islanders last night? No. Anyone surprised it was a well played game? Maybe a few. Anyone doubt that it would be Zach Parise that would make us weep? Not a chance. Anyone else going to get a Parise jersey to hide in their closet? Okay, then that's just me.

I hate talking about Kyle Okposo because I always feel like I'm mowing Okposo Net Ken's lawn, but WOW! That seriously WAS the best goal of his young career. He never gave up on the play. That's how hockey is supposed to be played. It was just beautiful.

That's also how Zach Parise plays; never giving up on the play. He makes his opponent pay every time. He is leading the Devils right now. He will lead them for a long time I'm sure.

Post Game Quotes

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The hardest part of the post game is that everyone is in the same room at the same time. Everyone competes to hear what is being said, and only a few ask the questions. Harder still? How many NEW questions can you come up with when you're past the midway point of a losing season? So the hard part is making the same sentences each player comes up with interesting.

Too hard for me. So this is what was said

Scott Gordon:

Isles vs. Kings -- A Tuesday Matchup

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7:12: And the Kings draw first blood with only 4 SOG on Danis. This is going to be a long night.

7:09 pm: And they're off. So glad to see Sean in the line up tonight. And at 19:17 SOG are already 2-1. We don't know how this game will go, but good to hear the sparse crowd has just let out a "Let's Go Islanders" chant.

Another Veteran Name for the Islanders IR

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"Veteran Islanders Blogger placed on the IR Sunday, listed as day to day."
If I stay on it long enough, does that mean that Garth can't include me in any of the Vet trades?
After nine years my luck finally ran out. What started out as a great day of skating at Bethpage's beautiful new rink turned into one painful experience.

Tampa over Isles 1 - 0

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It took until 6:26 of the third before the red light lit. One goal gets passed Yann Danis for a one goal lead. Roberts deflected the puck into the net. And yes, it was a huge goal. Up until then, it had been a pretty non-eventful game.

Add a Name to the List...

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Let's just add Nate Thompson to that Injury List that Jason Lockhart is keeping up on the Islanders main site. I really wish he would put the date they went OUT on as well as the amount of time they're expected out. Not that it really matters, but it's easier to do the math.

So Josh Bailey has a two point game, but a horrendous pass to no one late in the third. You owe me one Josh.

Joey MacDonald returned to the net and all I can say is, "Scotty, What the heck were you thinking?" Yann Danis was on a hot streak. What did it really gain to give Joey back the net? Joey made 26 saves, and gave up one too many.

The ice seemed to be bad in spots as Doug Weight went down and had to leave for a few minutes, and then Martinek hit the ice in the same spot. Well, it is Florida.

So much for the winning streak.

Adding Injury...to Injuries...

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Oh Look! Two more are down! Somewhere along the way the "official word" of two more men down was posted on the Islanders website at 2:17 pm but unless you had an RSS feed, you missed it. I know I did.

Pock out a month will not leave him much of the regular season to come back for. What will hurt is Streit being out day to day. Is that one day? As in the Panthers game? Or two days as in the entire Florida trip? Or how about out as long as Sean Bergenheim is at "day to day" who has now missed the last seven games.

Maybe they should start investing in cloning so they can have a set of spare parts. Because this is getting just somewhat ridiculous.

It's the annual Dad's Week, and according to someone on XM today they have attributed the concept to Garth Snow.

Isles over Tampa 3 - 1

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Yes, they won another game. Relax people. They beat Tampa Bay. The only team that has more bad publicity than we do. Stop worrying about June. It's only February.

Great blog by Greg Logan about Bailey and Stamkos. These guys are the future of the NHL.

Spotlight on The Lighthouse

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It was a crisp clear day Thursday when I ventured to the EAB Plaza. I passed that lovely skating rink that was sadly closed and entered the beautiful Manhattan style office complex that is truly a wonder on this uninteresting stretch of Hempstead Turnpike. It glistens on the outside and it is captivating on the inside.

Six More Weeks of Winter

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Yeah... that was a surprise. Happy Ground Hog Day. Now go watch the Bill Murray movie and laugh. Did you ever wonder what YOU would do in that situation?
Wait, we're Islanders' fans. no... no... I won't go there.
Six more weeks of winter, ten more weeks of regular season hockey. Doesn't that pub things in perspective for you now?

Skating on Slush, $hopping Plush

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If you haven't seen the new Tanger outlet mall in Deer Park yet, you should take a little ride. It's great architecture that looks like something from Florida or Puerto Rico. But it's in the middle of an industrial area that isn't the best. Or at least WASN'T the best when I lived in Bay Shore 15 years ago.

Danis Does it ... AGAIN!!

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I knew they'd win last night's game against the Panthers. I just didn't think it would be with a 3 goal lead going into the 3rd. I figured for sure it would be a nail biter, like all the others.

But as Greg Logan said, the changes in the line ups seem to be working out and the defense is finally getting their act together. Add to that Danis has gained confidence in his own play and you have a team that is starting to string some wins together. Three to be exact.

For the Heart, From the Heart

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I have to make this quick because they are gonna kick me off at Panera bread in 30 minutes. Stupid lunch rules. But as I sit here waiting for my daughter's softball practice to end I just wanted to bring up two things that I thought were worthwhile.

Thoughts about Super Bowl Sunday

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It’s that time again. Super Bowl Sunday. Ah yes, that American Holiday where the questions at hand are “What are we eating?” And “Did I win any money?” Right. There’s some sort of football game thrown in there too. But what everyone looks forward to, because they are universal, are the new commercials.

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