7th Woman's blog

Frustration, Dejection, it's all on the face of Scott Gordon

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That is how Howie Rose announced the empty net goal at the 19:30 mark of the third period that was heralding the tenth loss for the Islanders. Gordon is still looking for a December victory. Personally I don't think he will get it.

I opted to watch this one from my couch, in between trips to the kitchen to prep for Christmas Eve dinner. I did more sitting than prepping, and now I'm doing more writing than cooking. But I'll get to it.

So What do we have to look on the bright side with? Uh.... Ummm... Give me a few (drinks that is). These mounting losses are giving me cause to purchase ear plugs as the Big Angry Man is doing a lot of yelling at the TV.

"If you can't beat 'em... BEAT 'EM." That would be nice to hear, but we don't. Hilbert got a goal. The prize for actually trying. Sean Bergenheim finally got a goal after 14 games, his fifth of the season. His prize for REALLY trying. It was a short handed goal no less.

What's the Magic Number?

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Will the Islanders drop 10, 12 or even 15 games before finding a way to garner two points. Certainly they will be too little too late, but it seems the only thing to ponder is how long the slide will last.

I have them pegged for 12. I don't know why. I just picked that number. Guess I was thinking about Donuts. I must have been passing Dunkin' Donuts when it came to me.

Crosby Must Answer for His Actions

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It must be my day to be upset. First the stupid UGGs made in China, and now having to see the Crosby “incident” from the Atlanta game.
What was he THINKING? What is the LEAGUE thinking?
I didn’t see the game. I have only seen the video replays that have been posted on just about everyone’s message board site.
I left the sound off. I don’t know if the player that Crosby decided to go Bertuzzi on said something disparaging about his mother. I don’t know what was said by anyone on the ice. I only saw the “Face of the NHL” repeatedly punch a player who was down and restrained.
I have seen Crosby go at it with players he feels have taken advantage of him. I have even said that it’s good that he stands up for himself. But this is about the same thing as Downey did to Jason Blake a while back. Blake walked away with an instant black eye and blurred vision. This guy must have needed icepacks for his “other” head.


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We interrupt this hockey blog for a Christmas Shopping editorial.

My daughter, like so many jaded Long Island teenagers, asked for UGGS for Christmas. All her friends have them. They are the only ones you can buy. Don't even think of trying to purchase EMUs or Bearpaws or JCPenny's Arizona look-a-likes! UGGS only. "They're from Australia."

Land of Misfit Hockey Players

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During this time of year, I start hearing songs from the more famous Christmas cartoons that we all grew up with. Tonight was no exception. But it did make me laugh.

"Why am I such a nitwit, I can't score goals worth a s**t."

Ninth straight loss. They couldn't score a goal. Not one! And the only stat we've been keeping track of; Doug Weight's race to 1000 pts has now been sidetracked by a groin strain. Just what we needed.

As Jaffe said, the Islanders are already offensively challenged. "Oy Vey." Now the top offensive player is out of the lineup. The top D men are out of the line up; what's next? Can it get any worse?

I shouldn't say that. Every time you say that... it does get worse.

It will be a quiet plane ride home, I'm sure. December can't end fast enough. Let's just turn the calendar's page over and start fresh, shall we?

And the Sun rises in Minnesota

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This was one of my favorite photos from my brief stay in St. Paul in 2004. This was my view of the Mississippi River from my hotel room, 2 blocks away from the Excel Center. It may have been what the Islanders saw yesterday morning as they awoke to start a new day.

Yesterday was rife with controversy as the much reported Newsday headline announced "Witt blames Gordon for defensive woes." Story on A80.

Sorry Mike - There's No Room at the Inn

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So that's a crappy Christmas reference, but it's the best I can do under the circumstances. I'm terribly behind schedule on my Christmas "To Do" list and work problems are draining my energies. (Also, if my husband sees me continuing to write instead of wrap, bake, clean and cook, he will probably throw my laptop out the window and run over it with his truck.)

The item that struck me this morning in Greg Logan's brief article is what Gordon said about Mike Comrie. I understand that the facts about rosters and cap restraints are real and daunting. That is business and the guidelines must be adhered to and unpopular decisions made. But in the quotes that Greg offered up, for some reason "He fit in well." regarding call up Ben Walter just struck me funny.

The Morning After the Caps win

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I'm not really awake yet. The alarm clock went off at 5:50 am, and I hit the snooze button twice. I was dreaming about trying to find the address of my daughter's Karate school for someone and was tearing through my purse. I didn't find it. And oddly, my daughter hasn't gone to Karate school in six years.

Caps 5 - Isles 4 Final. Oh well

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First of all, I am so very sorry to everyone that I inadvertently ended the Live Chat. I really didn't mean to do that. I thought I was just backing out myself. I told you I was a techno-idiot. I wasn't kidding.

I don't have the time or the energy to continue this tonight. But I do have a few really cute photos of Dina to post and some thoughts and comments about tonight.

I'll add these two items so they won't interfere tomorrow morning.

1) Rest In Peace Al Giordano who passed away Sunday after working back to back shifts on Friday and Saturday. Al was a security guard at the Coliseum for years. He was a great guy with a warm smile. He will be sorely missed. His untimely, and unexpected passing has hit more people than he could ever imagine.

Isles vs. Caps 12/16/08

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I'm missing my office Christmas party for this. I know I"m going to get in trouble for it. But what the hell. I wanted to see Alexander the Gr8.

Jackman just fought Bradley, and everyone was excited.... for a minute or two. Okay, so I got side tracked with the cover it live.

Okay, second period, shows are 15 - 18 with 14:30 left and we're only down by one. Let's see how many points Doug Weight can get in just one night.

BTW... Dina is also an amazing Baker!!! She brought me a beautiful basket of home made cookies and chocolates, that I am NOT SHARING!!!

Spending Time with the Commissioner 12-1-08

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by Dee Karl, edited by
Tom Chiesa

I pulled into the drive- way at 8:35 pm on Thursday. My husband was at the kitchen door before I even got out of the car.

"Gary Bettman called. He wanted to see if you got home all right."

I stopped in my tracks wondering if he was kidding or not. Considering the true gentleman that Mr. Bettman is, it wouldn’t have surprised me if he did.

Adding Insults to Injuries & tomorrow's game

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Is Point Blank becoming the harbinger of all bad Islanders news? I received a press release today about the Islanders doing their annual holiday hospital tour. I didn't realize they were doing it because so many of them needed the hospital themselves.

Tonight we learned that Josh Bailey will be out of the line up once again this season with yet another injury and that Nate Thompson has a fractured ankle. If you add this to all the other injuries that the roster is still trying to recover from, the Islanders had better start looking at the front office staff for replacements.

Better yet, I know Steve Mears plays hockey and his shot is just as wide as Jon Sim's. Suite him up! What can it hurt.

Holiday Hat Trick Arrives

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I just had to add a few things about the "Holiday Hat Trick" package, even though I've covered it before.

Mine arrived via fed ex on Friday in a die-cut folder that looks like a locker. I opened the envelopes and letter and found everything I was promised: Three sets of tickets, a voucher for a duffel bag and that $50 Visa Gift card.

Yesterday I decided to go pick up that duffel bag at the new store in Sunrise Mall. I handed over my voucher, an employee walked into the back room and brought out this large package.

Ride Into The Sunset Sean

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Pardon me for not feeling bad for Sean Avery being shunned by the Dallas Stars. I, instead, give the Stars management credit for "sticking to their guns" if you will, and cutting ties with their mistake. It's time to pack your mess kit and saddle up Sean. You're not welcome in them there parts.

Maybe now he will finally realize that his actions have far reaching consequences. Perhaps now he'll realize that he is not bigger than the game and everyone else. Perhaps now he will realize that you can have it all, and lose it all in one breath.

Will there be other outlaws for him to hang his hat with? Of course there will be. Bad seeds somehow always find others. Now may be the perfect time for Avery to move to Hollywood. So head west young man, ride into the sunset, and fade to black.

And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


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I really didn't want to wake up this morning to my husband giving me a 20 minute review of the two page article in this morning's Newsday by Arthur Staple and my good friend Greg Logan. He has his OWN ideas on how to "FIX" the Islanders. None of which I agree with which makes Sunday morning breakfast a very loud "point-counter-point" session.

"Can I read the article for myself, please??" I asked, and he grumbled.

With coffee, Newsday and pen I started with Arthur Staple's side of the page. Five points made, and only one of which I agree with.

Saturday's Notes

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Today I spent the day "Chrisma-fying" my house. My back hurts and thinking about putting it all back in a few weeks doesn't make me happy. For my daughter, it's a great time of year. She wakes up and the house is decorated, as if by elves. I can't wait till she is old enough to have to do this herself.

Islanders are in Columbus tonight to take on the Blue Jackets. Had this game not fallen in December, I may have been able to convince Big Angry Man to take me on a little hockey road trip. But this close to the holidays, it's impossible. NYIC's Ohio Chapter president, Jimmy14 and his entire family will be in attendance wearing their Islanders jerseys. I hope they make it on TV!

Scott Gordon skated the team hard yesterday. (Or as I always wish for "Skate 'em til they puke.") Let's see if it does anything for them in the scoring column, or just makes them more tired than they were.

Bailey Not Alone

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Real quick, while I wait for my IT guys to figure out what's wrong with our server.

It seems that Josh Bailey isn't the only young Canadian hockey talent that won't be seeing the benefits of what the WJC would give him. Steven Stamkos is also being withheld from joining Team Canada in order to stick around with the Bolts.

Breaking Records? Penguins over Islanders 9 - 2

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Not quite. The Islanders gave up eleven goals in 1981 against Ottawa. So nine isn't a record. And THIS is what Josh Bailey needs so he can miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? His assist points? Okay. FINE!
And how many times a night can we play "How many players can you fit in the box?" Perhaps if there weren't so many five on three pentalty kills it would have only been six to two. UGGGHHH... Okay, What can we possibly say about tonight's game that we can feel good about?

So much More than just a Store - DiPietro too!

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I went back to visit the new Islanders Team store at the Sunrise Mall again. As impressive as it was the first time I was there, it had even MORE great items in it on Monday.

Blake Watch - Leafs 4 - Isles 1/2 that

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Jason BLAKE - 3 pt night.

BLAKE Comeau - 0 pt night.

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