7th Woman's blog

Isles Road Win!

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Holy Crap! Who are those guys?

Well, that's what I was saying the first period. By the third, I remembered them. They still pulled out a win. But it wasn't the pretty one we were hoping for.

Congrats to Kyle Okposo, it could have been a hat trick.

I was so incredibly happy to see Doug Weight on the ice, and even happier seeing him score. Trent started off the scoring just at the game opened and the first period was a thing of beauty. But nothing good lasts forever.

They still won.

Next up, because it's too late to start now, will be information on the 2/21 game which is Town of Hempstead night. I'm hoping for every one's support for the Lighthouse project. It's not just about Hockey. It's about jobs and a quality of life on our Island.

Using Hockey To Help

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As we wait for tomorrow's game against the Thrashers, and as we sit here with only the Ranger/Penguins game to watch, I spent some time cruising around the net. (Not like that isn't what I do all day long anyway. It's amazing I actually get anything done at all.)

With the economy the way it is, everyone is struggling in some way. But the charities are struggling even more than usual. When your normal benefactors are having their own difficulties, things go from bad to worse for those who have the least.

The Muppet Man Returns No More.... :-(

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I walk away from the machine for a few hours and I miss stuff.

At 5:50 pm the sad announcement hit my email box, but I was not there. Mike Sillinger, man of 12 NHL teams has once again gone under the knife.

Thirty-seven is not old by any stretch of the imagination, unless you're a pro athlete. Sillinger has been in the NHL for 18 seasons. When he first came to the Islanders the question was how did the other teams let him go.

After missing the final 29 games of last season, Sillinger will once again not be able to play out this season. It's a shame. He will be missed.

Comedy Night with Jeff Tambellini

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I know I can't disclose all that was said at this evening's NYIBC meeting with special guest Jeff Tambellini, but I will say this -- I'm sorry about every bad thing I ever said about this boy.

Even arriving 15 minutes late, once he began talking, he won the crowd over and kept everyone laughing.

NYI Media Blog: Casual Observations of the ASG

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Since Corey Witt of the NYI Media Blog does not allow for comments on his blog, then I'll just post the link and comment here.

NYI Media Blog: Casual Observations of the ASG

Yep, Garth knew what he was doing when he signed on Mark Streit. (Don't the Canadians feel stupid now?)

Ovechkin, fluent English or none, WILL replace Crosby as the face of the NHL within two years. And he will do it on his own terms. He's just priceless.

No, you can't remove fighting from the NHL. Then it would dilute the sport to basically... the NJ Devils. But someone came up with a good idea of Velcro visors eliminating having to remove one's helmet.

Nice stat about Lundquist. I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

Streit's All-Star Redemption & stuff..

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The weather outside reminds me of New Hampshire and the frost on my living room skylight is seeping through and dripping on my leather couch. I'm on my second cup of tea and so far the only article I read in the Sunday paper was Greg Logan's report on All-Star Mark Streit. It is one of his best.

Team Store Sale Well Worth the Trip!

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This, that and the other thing.
It's Friday. Yes, it has finally come

If anyone needs a laugh and a half, and who doesn't these days, just keep watching this video fo Joe Cocker. You'll laugh yourself sick. I just love it.

Okay, so with All Star weekend starting I guess I'll be glued to NHL.com for the day while I'm working. Don't want to miss any of the hoopla. (right.)

I'm also going to make a stop at the Isles Team store in Massapequa to take advantage of that sale they are running. I've got my gift cards ready. I'm going to make them work for that sale! And since that's the only way I'm getting a copy of that book they're giving away, may as well take advantage.

Maybe I'll skate this weekend. Maybe I'll finally clean the house. Maybe that's a long shot. Just like getting to work on time is a long shot.

All Star Break Withdrawal?

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There's no hockey on TV!!! Okay, so instead I watched comedy on NBC, sort of. I can never do one thing only when I'm home so I half watched... and READ about hockey.

Yes, last night was a good night for call-up Kurtis McLean. But doesn't he look like Chris Elliot? No, seriously. That's all I could think of when he was talking in the locker room when asked about getting his first NHL goal.

Surprise! they changed the ending of the movie

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As usual, I turn off my machine and pack up with just a few minutes left to go in the third so that I'm ready to head downstairs at game's end. Well, wasn't I pleasantly surprised by the 2 points, the first of the year, that the Islanders managed to get out of this game.

The Shots on Goal discrepancy was bizarre, but a win is a win and Gordon was at least smiling. I have plenty of notes from the locker room, but it's 11 pm and I returned home to no husband in the house and a 14-year-old who does nothing. So there are three loads of laundry to be folded and dishes in the sink. First things first.

Yeah! We won. YEAH! Yann Can Do as Brad Kurtzberg from Inside Hockey told me in the press room.

And we're ON!

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9:17 pm, Park with a tripping penalty takes a seat in the box. This would be where they tie it up and then beat us 3 - 2. with 5:03 left in the 3rd. I guess maybe I should start packing up. I've actually seen this movie before.

9:15 pm and they are still up 2 - 1 but SOG are now 37 to 13 in the Ducks favor. Give it up to Yann Danis for doing a good job in net so far. Mind you, I said so far.

9:10 pm : Do we get anything for having Mclean get into the net? Does that count for a goal? Um... Guess not, but what an effort.

A Day of Politics Large & Small

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Today history was made with the swearing in of the 44th President of the United States. The 44th time a peaceful transfer of power of a nation has been concluded. The fact that this transfer of power is to the first African American President in our little more than two hundred year history makes it all that more noteworthy.

MLK Day at the Coliseum

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3:32 pm: As usual the bright spot in the stands is Dina the Arena Hostess doing the movie trivia game in section 201. The contestant won.

With one minute left of the 2nd, the Islanders did pressure the caps in their own end, but we are still at 1 - 0. And that's how we'll start the third.

3:25 pm: well, no additional score yet, and only a few chances. Gotta say, it's pretty funny when Yann looks behind him to see where the puck is and then realizes, he made the save. Good for you Yann!

Ovechkin 2 - Isles 1, Witt -27

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Yes, I ditched out of the blog during the third period to go sit with friends in another section. The period seemed to go quite fast. I looked up and it was at the 10 minute mark. I waited for a whistle that didn't come until there were less than 3 minutes left. I had to run back to the box and pack up the laptop.

Isles Team Store: Going Out of Business Sale?

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Wait? Could they be preparing to liquidate for the move to KC??

OH! Sorry, I made a mistake there. I pulled a Newsday. I wanted to see if I wrote a 'sensational' headline if my hit count will increase. Let's see if it works.

Actually the Islanders team store is going OUT FOR business. And with a very special and worthwhile promotion.

It's 11 pm, Do you know where your Hockey team is?

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Currently? Still in Uniondale. And also... still in last place.

All day today, I heard it. "So Dee. They're moving to Kansas City?" All day I answered. "I have no idea. I don't have a crystal ball."

I had no serious high hopes for tonight knowing that Point a Game boy Zach Parise and his red Devils would be the opposition. But I donned my colors and a smile and went to the game. The smile didn't last long.

I had known all about the Dubie to Columbus fiasco since Tiger Track Tom Liodice called to give me the bad news as I was driving away from my daughter's softball practice. I think they could hear me scream for miles. This was just not the news I wanted to hear. I don't believe the Islanders wanted to hear it either as their Game Notes on the Blog Box table clearly had Wade Dubielewicz listed as an Islanders goalie. Sadly, Mr. Dubielewicz was on a plane to Columbus.

Lighthouse articles: Your Thoughts?

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I've waited until 11 pm to even consider writing what I think. I've had the entire day to read the articles, listen to comments, read countless passionate fan posts on various websites, hear about it on NHL's home ice and then sit with my husband across the dinner table at 8 pm after we FINALLY de-chrismafied the house.

"So Paulie asked me today who I was going to root for when the Islanders move to Kansas City. I told him I didn't know. I'd probably get more involved in college hockey." This is how B.A.M. started the conversation while I served up my ham & pineapple pizza and vodka sauce with shrimp pizza. (I made two so there is some for tomorrow.)

"Paulie said he'd probably just give up hockey all together. He can't fathom switching teams." I completely understand this thought process. But it's not one I may live by.

Hockey for Laughs

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Just because I needed a giggle, I wandered over to Not Your Average Ice Girl by Kelly Mac. She may not be old enough to drink yet, but damn -- can this girl make me laugh and she knows her stuff. Brighten your day and check her out.... often.

Jason Blake & the Five Point Night

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Chalk it up to karma. Chalk it up to "in-your-face-Paul Maurice" retribution. Chalk it up to talent. But when underachieving Jason Blake walks away from a game with five points in the night, I chalk it up to having the talent I always said he had.

Congratulations Jason. Wish you had been in an Islanders sweater for the night.

Back home... safe & sound!

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Well, not a BAD game, just not the endings we like to see. I don't have time to put it all out there before I go to bed so I will just give you points.

1) Scotty has figured out how to shut the press down when he wants. Loved seeing that.

2) There's blue carpet in the locker room. Five bucks says it will stink like hell by March.

3) Yann Danis was very confident but admitted he would have loved to have that first goal back.

4) Okposo has what looks like a grapefruit on the side of his face but said he was still going to play Saturday.

5) When Stan Fischler asked him why he came back after getting hit so hard, he beared the pain and smiled "It's a hockey game." That was the best line of the evening.

6) Bill Guerin was joking a little with Stan, so I guess he was happy that he's adding to his stats and still the Islanders top goal scorer. Even at his age.

More tomorrow. Need sleep... zzzzzz

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